BC Directory Search
People, Departments, and Group Email Accounts
People, Departments, and Group Email Accounts
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Access to the Boston College technological and information resources is a privilege available only to authorized individuals. This privilege requires that all users be responsible for the protection of University resources and that all use be in accordance with the Boston College Technology Use Agreement.
Note that all five-digit telephone extensions shown in this directory can be converted to a full ten-digit number by prefacing them with (617) 55x-xxxx.
This directory allows you to access alphabetical lists of Boston College departments, schools, and other organizations. The lists are similar to the Departments
section of the print edition of the Boston College Communications Directory. Information in the University’s electronic and printed directories is provided solely for the purpose of assisting individuals in contacting one another. Data may not be extracted for the preparation of distribution or contact lists for use by businesses or other organizations outside of Boston College. Use of University directory information for solicitation of business or donations is expressly prohibited. Members of the University community may not prepare such lists for use by individuals or organizations outside the university community without prior authorization.
To find a department, either page forward through the full list or click on the first letter of the key word in the name of the department in the list of letters at the top of the main department page. For example, to find the School of Education,
click on the letter E
and you will be forwarded in the list to the start of those departments within the letter E.
Scroll down to the department you wish to select and click on that department.
When you click on a department name, you will receive a detailed department listing which contains central telephone numbers for the department as well as a list of the staff of the department with their names, titles, and, telephone extensions. A more detailed listing for each employee can be obtained by clicking on the links below his or her name. Access to the secure version
of the detail record requires the entry of a Boston College username and password (PIN). Photo pages of department employees can also be obtained using the link near the top of each departmental page. In addition, the organizational hierarchy of the university can be traversed by following the reporting links at the bottom of the page.
This directory is recreated nightly from information extracted from the University’s central operational databases. Any data errors in this directory should be reported to the Human Resources Office. The directory takes into account each employee’s privacy preferences. Any employee wishing to change any of his/her personal information or privacy settings can do so under UVIEW – Your Personal Records
within Agora, Boston College’s secure intranet. Department representatives who wish to update departmental information displayed in the directory should contact the Records Coordinator in the Human Resources Office.
Photos being displayed are the same photos which display on each individual’s Boston College Eagle-One identification card. Anyone with a missing or poor quality photo should go to the Office